Good day Caring-heart family.
We hope to find everyone well, not too wearied by the cold winter and looking forward to the summer! God is good, all the time.
ChangeNetSA has been blessed beyond all expectations, and we are so grateful to God, our community and our leaders for everything that is falling into place.
ChangeNetSA has started negotiations to expand to Bloemfontein and other towns.
Our management team is expanding and growing - we established an Executive Committee and an Advisory Board.
New Beginnings in Môrelig had a hugely successful Open Day in May, when the community came to see for themselves what was achieved by businesses and individuals who gave their time, money and talents to make the facility a beautiful place to serve the community from.
Maluti FM has now settled into broadcasting from the premises, Meals on Wheels will be moving there soon and an educational centre is taking shape, that will be run in the same building. Also in the process of developing are projects like “My Pa,” for elderly care and a national online talent competition. Local projects with the bags of clothing are ongoing.
Churches, schools, NPOs and linked businesses can look forward to innovative loyalty structures that will greatly benefit each of them financially.
Our current project with the meat from feed lots, in conjunction with an agricultural scientist and Weltevreden abattoir, is taking off fast and becoming very popular. Details were sent in a separate broadcast message.
ChangeNetSA is now a force to be reckoned with in the community. The impact of the organisation is growing daily. The participation of the community is also growing exponentially – God is using the community to do His Kingdom work…
We bless every person or entity that is willing to sacrifice, serve and be obedient to God’s commission. We are looking forward, in anticipation, to what lies ahead for our community!
With heartfelt greetings from your Caring-heart family.
Retha Pretorius
Media/Partner Liaison Officer