Good day Caring Heart-family.
As the old cliché says, time really flies, especially when having a good time. It is already April, the school holidays have come and gone, and now we are pressing forward towards our earthly and eternal goals. All with the mercy and grace of our Heavenly Father.
Once again, we can report on so many good things that happened over the past few months. The Lord is faithful and has provided abundantly in so many ways.
The facility in Morelig is in the process of being renovated. The kind businesspeople of Bethlehem are assisting with the upgrade of the Wellness Centre, where New Beginnings will be the focus of everyone involved. Meals on Wheels will also be operating from there.
Maluti FM 97.1 radio station is moving to the premises at the end of April. We are looking forward to having them on our doorstep!
An Open Day is being planned for 6 May, where the whole community can come and see what is happening at that amazing facility.
The Multi-Purpose Golf Day on Friday 18 March was, as promised, a very different sort of event. 66 golfers played for free and visitors and players had snacks, pancakes and spitburgers, also for free. Prizes like a breakaway weekend and meat hampers were up for grabs. The day was most enjoyable and many new acquaintances and friendships were formed.
The idea was to present the day as a thank-you event for the whole community, for their continued involvement with ChangeNetSA. Schools, churches, businesses and individuals were invited to be part of the venture, which lead to exposure for their own entities.
Justice announced, at the prize-giving after the event, that more store cards are being launched now, in addition to the OBC store cards for people in need. They will now also receive cards, pre-loaded with a certain amount, for needs in terms of medical care, stationery, security, school clothing and wellness.
The use of the golf course and facilities were sponsored by a well-known business in Bethlehem, Johan Broodryk Properties. They came forward with the offer; we thank them for their kind generosity in this regard.
Another similar day is already in planning, this time in Clarens, after the winter.
Our voucher project ran parallel to the golf day, and is starting to gain traction. An online talent competition is in the process of being launched, watch the social media for more information. A festival of performances by well-known singers is also being planned for the future, in towns all over the Free State.
ChangeNetSA is now well-known and established in the community. Its projects are well appreciated – this will become even more so, as time progresses and the impact is felt more and more by community members in need.
Only God can make all of this happen, by Him using the community to do His Kingdom work. We bless each person or entity who is willing to serve sacrificially, those that God entrusted to our care. We are anxiously anticipating the miracles that are still to come!
With sincere greetings from your Caring Heart-family!