It is truly amazing what can be achieved when the community work together. A big thank you to the organisations and individuals who cleaned up parts of the Knobel bridge on Wednesday 15 March.
Some of the participants were: Inkwe Lodge, Friends of the Museum, ChangeNetSA and Top Carpets. Some Môrelig residents also joined or brought their workers; the Department of Social Development was present and worked alongside the residents.
Meals on Wheels provided food parcels to the workers at the end of the day.
Well done to everyone! And the next project is in process already...
To join in the drive to heal and restore Bethlehem, send a whatsapp to Justice at 061 534 2311.
Photo, l-r: Taking time off the hard work at the bridge to smile for the camera - Lefa Mashiloane from the Department of Social Development and Cronjé van Loggerenberg, member of ChangeNetSA.